Book Review of Bedlam by Kurt Knittel

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐️⭐️⭐-(5/5)

Bedlam: The Pale Beauty is a terrific read by Kurt Knittel. This book is told using first-person narrative and revolves around Elias’ traumatic past and him reliving his experiences. It scours the metaphysical world and has a sweet medley of fable with a grim love saga. 

The writing style Kurt implements is narrative and very descriptive. He brings to light the toxicity of love and what having a self-centered, spoiled, and egotistical partner like Elias did to Eva. As a reader, you can see the conflicting love story between Elias and Maria. Because deep down, Elias still feels a deep connection with his beloved, Eva. Kurt’s explanation of losing someone was so lucid. He describes death as slippery, panicking, and an endless wandering. Kurt's narration has varied exhibitions of emotions that merely reading makes you feel the sadness, collapsing defeat, choking despair, and anxiety faced by Elias. The ending of the book was very satisfying. Its climax left me with bewildering passions.

With the setting executed in the chaotic periods in Cuban history, there's tension, suspense, and surprising composure in the book. The intrigue is excellently presented, especially with the mystery of identity in the first instance of reading. The author skillfully brings readers' intellect into conformity with abstract truth and the prevalent poetics in the book.

Similarly, I must commend the flawless editing and very appealing cover art. It expressed the story at first glance. I recommend this book to enthusiasts of paranormal romance and magical realism. I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars