Book Review of The Two Big C’s by Elaine Whybro

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐️⭐️⭐-(5/5)

The Two big C’s by Elaine Whybro is the second book of its kind I have read, though not by the same author, and it met my expectation and even surpassed it. This book is told from a first-person perspective and is a true story of breast cancer meeting Covid-19 during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. 

I must commend the author for her bravery. It is rare to see people put out such a sensitive time of their lives in print. I felt a myriad of emotions while reading. Fear of the unknown, sadness, excitement, and happiness were sounding emotions prominent in this book.

The book was meticulous in its narration. There was an explicit definition of most of the medical terminologies, although this came into terms used late into the story. Earlier abbreviations like BRCA gene, NHS, and A&E were not defined. It might be a challenge to those unfamiliar with these terms.

Besides, I appreciated the intention of love, family, and friendship exercised during Elaine’s time of need. I was delighted to read about her relationship with the crazy chicks; her incredible pal, Viki, her parents, her loving husband Paul, and her girls. Her bravery throughout the hospital sessions was inspiring and very motivating. 

Ultimately, I cannot pinpoint what to dislike in this book. I had a swift reading flow. This book will appeal to people in the medical field and those interested in real-life stories. It would be easy to relate to this book because we all witnessed the horrors of the pandemic in 2020. Even with the sensitivity of those times, come to this fourteen-chapter book with an open mind, and you'd be glad you did. I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars.