Book Review of The Refusal to Return by Nicole Brown


The Refusal to Return to Slime is a po’vella (poetry journal plus short story collections) that recounts a story of unctuous love and the repudiation to return to such. Nicole refuses to return to a love based on material possessions or sexual activity because she believes it does not last.

The author re-navigates the messed up way we have characterized love to be through her poems. She tries to influence our mindset by portraying a genuine form of love. According to her, love does not dwell on one’s socioeconomic status or occupation. The book showcases a man’s veto to allow his spouse to live a Christ-like life due to his worldly passions. This book is a pressing embargo to return to haggling vacuity and folly. 

Employing short stories to drive her points prompts an inception of thrilling suspense. The themes of pain, love, long-suffering, hate, lust, and anger are evident in the book. It is such that the readers feel every bit of emotion intended by the author.

The world is a crooked place, and at times, it is outright brutal. This stupendous author writes about how she has found her say in a world turned by the ardor and misgiving that directs to scorn. This book is a voyage from contempt into God’s warm embrace.

Likewise, the book is easy to relate to, considering the sceneries from the book, which currently plays out in real life. There's a great use of strong language and profanities, but this does not take away the crucial points in the story. Nicole Brown has brought real-life occurrences to our fingertips. Inevitably, a phenomenal poetry journal- a must-read!