Book Review of Ocean of Dreams by R. M. Dilleen


Ocean of Dreams is a book about two quirky aliens who crash-land in the Sora Sea and get caught up in a web of manipulation and technological advancement. 

Scientist Jejliard Castonea plays a crucial role in this adventure, unknowingly being influenced by one of the aliens to develop advanced technology.

Things escalate when they discover the stranded spaceship and nuclear secrets fall into the wrong hands, leading to the threat of a full-scale nuclear war. 

Trust is severed, and Jejliard and his son must find a way to escape the chaos. But it doesn't end there - Jejliard stumbles upon something that challenges his sanity and offers him unimaginable power and immortality. 

This book captivates with its compelling narrative of survival, the treacherous nature of betrayal, and the relentless quest for a transformative existence. Unfortunately, the book has a few grammar hiccups, but don't fret. They won't entirely disrupt your reading flow.

The sudden shift to discussing duplicates and reincarnation left me a bit confused. Keeping track of the different versions of the characters was quite challenging, so it would have been helpful if the author had provided more clarification.

Due to the hitches I encountered, I rate this book 3 out of 5 stars.