Book Review of Armitage by Atlas Creed


Armitage: Children of Arcanum, by Atlas Creed, is a captivating fiction that intertwines elements of crime, mystery, and the supernatural and revolves around the enigmatic world of a seventeen-year-old girl named Rebekah.

The book lets us delve into the emotional journey of Rebekah, burdened with frustration and depression following the tragic loss of her sister. Consumed by guilt, she blames herself for the unfortunate events that transpired. But Rebekah’s quest for answers soon reveals that the circumstances of her sister's untimely passing are far beyond the realm of the physical.

Well, this enigma first unfolded in a haunting place. The disappearance of Nichole, whose whereabouts remained a mystery, left an unsettling aura. Was she alive or dead? This uncertainty plagued the minds of all involved. Rebekah, saddled by these emotions, was now unable to live an ordinary life.

This novel evokes emotions like love, rage, anxiety, fear, and kindness. It conveys the powerful message of love and the unbreakable bonds that connect us. This book emphasizes the importance of searching for inner peace, even in the face of insurmountable obstacles. 

Additionally, the story explores the profound consequences of evil actions, illustrating that no matter how much time passes, they can never truly escape the repercussions.

Nevertheless, I found solace in the simplicity and fluidity of its language, although there were moments when the usage of certain profane words gave me pause. However, I am inclined to believe that these linguistic choices were purposefully to encapsulate the true essence of the narrative.

While engrossed in its prose, I noticed a grammatical error. But I assure you, this slight blemish did not mar my reading experience. Indeed, the drift from crime, mystery, and the supernatural to the exploration of an unbreakable bond between sisters and the masterful portrayal of the unfolding of events is a testament to the author's storytelling prowess. Atlas Creed has crafted a tale that is both gripping and emotionally poignant.

Ultimately, this book holds a captivating tale that transcends age, beckoning both the young and the grownups alike. For those who relish the thrill of becoming a detective, eagerly piecing together the intricate clues to unravel the mystery before the protagonist, this literary masterpiece is a must-read. Highly recommend!