Book Review of Blowing Sandstorms by Lieutenant colonel Horace Crenshaw Jr.

Rating: ⭐⭐️⭐️⭐⭐-(5/5)

Sandstorms in life are unavoidable circumstances or situations presented in life. Sometimes overcoming these sandstorms leave you with valuable lessons to carry on with life. Occasionally, you are shattered from this experience and are left to overcome trauma instead. Blowing Sandstorms is a memoir by the infamous Lieutenant Colonel Horace Crenshaw Jr. We journey with him from childhood to his switch as an army reservist to becoming a commander during Operation Iraqi Freedom to his preparation for the war. The book exposes us to Horace’s change in life philosophy, his struggling days selling cars for Regency Nissan in other to survive, and every sandstorm that blew on the 233rd Quartermaster company. 

Lieutenant Colonel Horace Crenshaw Jr. has created a fine memoir by breathing life into every character he referred to in his military adventure. He has elaborately characterized even the minor characters in the book. Despite the heavy quotations in the book, it was not difficult to follow the book because there was a refined flow. The author did not hesitate to provide the full meanings of the short forms used. 

Without mincing words, this book gave me a see-through of what life in the military entails. I am now aware of the fundamental duty of staff officers and commandants, as well as the basic requirements and courses taken by junior and midgrade level officers provided by the U.S army. 

The book unearths successful leadership tips that can be employable in any walk of life. It opens your mind to team building using the compliance-focused influence and the rocket model of team effectiveness using mission, talent, norms, buy-ins, power, and morale. You would also learn from the author about utilizing loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage, which he terms LDRSHIP, to redefine your leadership philosophy. 

Correspondingly, I enjoyed how Horace claimed the scriptures for their purpose and promise. He wholly acknowledged God's work in his life and urges us, readers, to achieve success in God's way. Because like the author rightly said: it is clearly by God's grace that we can make it and surpass all the obstacles that stood in our path. Inevitably, a very enlightening memoir, deserving a 5 out of 5 stars. Anyone looking to have better authority in leadership and enthusiasts of fine service biographies should read this book.