Book Review of Follow…..the path of Ray, Howard, and Britta by René Schröder

Rating: ⭐⭐️⭐⭐-(4/5)

ReG Inc is a software institution that offers miscellaneous software products. The SuS suite, the company’s propelling leverage for many years, seems to no longer draw in more customers, and old customers are requesting fresh features. It is up to the entire agile team encompassing Howard, Britta, and Ray, to set up a transformation strategy for a new product in time for the trade fair. Read Follow…..the path of Ray, Howard, and Britta, by René Schröder, to find out the strategies they employ and see if they make it in time for the trade fair.

At the onset of reading, you might think this is a children's story because of the graphics and tag: panda story. However, such thought or expectation is very far from the content of this book. Each episode of this book exposes the tactics Howard, Ray, Britta, and Silke follow, from using refinement and user stories to understand customer needs to retrieving a retrospect into sports retrospective and DoR (Definition of Ready). As you read, it is important to pen down the valued points because there is so much to take. 

Of a truth, the topic is quite technical, but the author carefully elaborated on product ownership using storytelling. Before now, I had never heard of scrum masters or known what agile transformation entails, but this book opened my mind to it all. The author has a good grip on the topic at hand. He thoroughly explains each concept and utilizes the dialogue style to buttress his points. However, I am confident that it is not a field I would want to explore in the future because it was not appealing to me.

Likewise, I have to applaud René for including the definition of terms. Its location was not the best, and I believe that it should have come earlier into the book. Doing so would enable readers to familiarize themselves with the terminologies before getting into the story. Despite the use of storytelling and dialogue style, the book could not thrillingly engage readers. Follow…..the path of Ray, Howard, and Britta, is certainly not a book to read for leisure. It is an educational read and would not appeal to everyone but a set of people. 

I would recommend this book to tech enthusiasts. People interested in product ownership, agile management, tech start-ups, scale-ups, and managerial effectiveness, would find this book helpful because it would provide them with tips on improving quality, speed, and employee morale. Finally, I am rating this book 4 out of 5 stars.


About the Author

René Schröder is a published author and a master Agilist who has been building practical agile strategies for start-ups, scale-ups, and large corporations alike in since 2001.
Across industries — including automotive, retail, travel, banking, and pharmaceuticals — René’s expertise ranges from training in- dividual Scrum Masters and Product Owners to coaching entire divisions in their transformative efforts.

His work is renowned for the successful development of tailored agile structures and teams that seamlessly align with a company’s short- and long-term goals, as well as maximize its chances for success. René also provides over 100 training courses for the cer- tification Scrum Master and Product Owner and over 50 training courses in free formats on agility, Kanban, OKR, Design Thinking, and more.

Beyond his already impressive repertoire, René enjoys sharing his valuable insights and experiences with agility, Scrum, and trans- formation across team, middle management, and C-suite levels through over 100 publications, conventions, and books, including his bestselling trilogy the “Panda Story”..

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