Book Review of Embracing God In The Right Perspective With The Right Foundation of Faith In Him by Chris Tham

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐️⭐️⭐-(5/5)

It is often difficult to understand God’s plan for us. The worst comes when we look at the society we live in today, where most of us do not wholly appreciate the scripture and cannot recognize the love of God for us despite our shortcomings. Embracing God In The Right Perspective With The Right Foundation of Faith In Him, by Chris Tham, is a reminder to us of the infinite and unconditional love God has for us. The author has not made this book like the conventional Christian nonfiction, which comprises scriptures and prophecies. Chris Tham has made the needed manual for interpreting the word of God. 

The author wants us to acknowledge the difference between wisdom and verity. Through this book, he wants us to find ourselves, know who God is, and recognize moral living. Chris wants us to uncover our ultimate destiny and ascertain the alliance between faith, expectation, and devotion. The book made me understand that the ABC of life involves God + Yourself, while the XYZ of life involves you + your family. 

Embracing God In The Right Perspective With The Right Foundation of Faith In Him is jammed with auspicious claims corroborated by biblical references. I learned how each of the twelve apostles of Christ died. I also learned the meaning of names like Ishbak, Zimran, and Shuah. Indeed, truth is knowledge with God's enlightenment. 

I employ every reader of this book to not rush through the book. The author has successfully written a striking blueprint for the Bible. Hence, I would advise future readers to purchase a paperback version to accompany their study of the word of God. 

Even though the book is from a Christian standpoint, it does not condemn other religions or faith. Instead, it draws a balance between all and shows the relation of one to the other. The book opened my mind to the gains of humility which many are blind to, as well as other forms of beliefs like pantheism, animism, and agnosticism that I didn't know existed. The book is a highly enlightening read. 

Furthermore, I resonated with the ten teachings of Lao Tzu, especially number ten: health is the greatest possession, contentment is the biggest treasure, and confidence is an incredible friend. I will pen the teachings of Lao Tzu and own them.

Likewise, the language used is easy to comprehend. I enjoyed the diagrammatic illustrations used to elaborate on points. I have not read any Christian nonfiction that is as thorough as this. It merits a 5 out of 5 stars and the broadest readership.