Book Review of Shimmer by Lorelei Matthews

Rating: ⭐⭐️⭐⭐-(4/5)

Shimmer by Lorelei Matthews is an intriguing read that takes you on an adventure with the supernaturals. The story starts with Mikela mourning the loss of her parents in an accident. Because of this sad occurrence, she moves to live with her sister, Melanie, and Shane, Melanie’s husband. Soon after the turn of events, Mikela meets with Annette in Mcpike Mansion circa 1869. Little does she know that this was just the beginning of a new adventure. How is the full flesh human Mikela made into the first human vampire hybrid? Why must Rhys and Mikela consummate and bear a child for the coven? Why has Malcolm sworn to take Ethan and Aimee’s powers and sacrifice them to Mikela? How will this newfound strength help Mikela defeat Vordok, the bogeyman of vampires and bringer of death and nightmares? You can only unravel these mysteries by reading this book of the supernatural! 


At the onset of this book, I was already completely immersed in it because of the death of Mikela’s parents. I was yearning to see what the following chapters had in store for her. But, Lorelei Matthews, the author, blew me away with an extraordinary twist of events.

Reading this book felt like I was watching one of those supernatural movies like The Originals and Vampire Diaries because it was well detailed. I was living the story by just reading. Her descriptions were so vivid that in those times when Mikela feels pain or in the times where James tortures Aimee and Rhys, you feel nothing but genuine sympathy for them. Likewise, Lorelei knew all the myths behind vampires' existence. Hence, despite being a fictional tale, she exclusively dissected them to distinguish what was real and what was not.

In truth, there are quite an array of characters in the story. Regardless, it is easy to differentiate one from the other because Lorelei gives us time to appreciate each individual’s traits. There was an effortless flow in the story. The conversation style used was brilliant, and the storyline was perfectly conveyed. 

Unfortunately, there were some sections in this book that were fast-paced and not applicable in the real sense, especially the scene where Mikela agreed to want to bear a child with Rhys. I felt the author should have slowed down a bit in this area. The editing was professional, but not exceptionally well-edited because I spotted some errors by omission. In all sense, I had a wonderful experience and would be rating this book a 4 out of 5 stars. I will recommend this book to enthusiasts of the supernatural world and fans of fiction. 


About the Author

Lorelei Matthews lives in Colorado with her husband, and three daughters. She graduated from Southern New Hampshire University in 2019 with her BA in Creative Writing and English. She never takes herself too seriously, and loves all things mac and cheese. Follow her on Twitter @booksofgeronimo or on her website: