Book Review Of The Blue Lady by Matthew Douglas Pinard

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐-(5/5)

The Blue Lady is the sixth book of the New Wine Series, written by the mystic Matthew Douglas Pinard. In this edition, the blue lady is a photo depiction of the magnificent angel skies. There are many photographs in the book and videos on his YouTube channel to prove Matthew’s testimony about the apocalypse, what he calls the birth pangs. As I mentioned in one of my reviews of this series, he pays extraordinary attention to detail and translates images of the sky vividly.

This book may appear lengthy. I mean, not many people would look easily pick up a 400+ paged book to read. But I can assure you that this would be the shortest book you'd ever read because a considerable amount of the book comprises pictures. It is the caption to these pictures that tell the story. The author uses words that hit the nail directly on the head, and his communication is smooth.

Matthew ends this book with a clarion call for us to wake up and take charge of both the world and our lives. He also intercedes to God on our behalf that we may not be alone in the middle of our nights. I learned about the monarch butterfly and its representation of resurrection and change. I also learned new caution tips when it comes to the collection of art. Some objects may look harmless, but we should be careful. The world is run both in the physical and spiritual realms, and sometimes these objects may be gateways for demons to possess a place. There is an egregious war between God and the devil. We must not give in to the devil!