Book Review of The Lion’s Gate by Matthew Douglas Pinard

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐-(4/5)

The Lion’s gate is the final book of the New Wine series, written by Matthew Douglas Pinard. It demonstrates the portal from Eden to earth as the combination of our sun being its home sign of Leo, the Sinus rising in the skies, and the numerical number: 8/8/2021. The book exposes the essence of this portal as a means to bring about the sacred dance of Venus and Mars. Like in the previous editions of this series, it uses pictorial representations to explain the meaning of 11:11 as a sign of awakening and ascension. This short book explicitly narrates stories of people's deaths, from Greg to Jeff and Kristy, and their reconciliation with God through the angel sky images. Successful readers of this series would look at the world in a clearer light and understand who Matthew Pinard is. This series is indispensable!