Book Review Of Precious Blood by Matthew Douglas Pinard

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐-(4/5)

The manifestations of Jesus are genuine and before us, but how many of us clear the scales off our eyes to completely partake in it? In The Precious Blood, the fifth book of the New Wine Series, written by Matthew Douglas Pinard, we meet with two outstanding miracles. One of the miracles is personal to Matthew because it concerns the healing of his wife, Carol. 

When Matthew explains the miracles and the angels in the sky, he uses clear pictures to back up his statements. Images revealing the wings of angels and satanic faces in the sky that materialized near Prescott from January down to December are all pinpointed.

I enjoyed the little story about helping a man he thought was dangerous while driving the interstate route. It shows that Matthew practices what he preaches. There were sad events in this book, including the loss of Matthew’s teacher, Terry Ernest. I learned about the Joshua tree, which represents faith and hope. Indeed, we need the precious blood of Jesus to guide our lifestyle, and Matthew flawlessly relates how we can go about it in this book.