Book Review Of The Kingdom Come by Matthew Douglas Pinard

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐-(5/5)

Kingdom Come is the fourth book of The New Wine series, written by the mystic Matthew Douglas Pinard. While following the same sequence of the previous books, this book brings the birth of the antichrist to the limelight. The book explains prophecies of the great red dragon, the woman clothed in the sun, and others. It also dissects the secrets of the messages delivered by our Lady of Fatima. The evidence in this book embodies Matthew’s truth and comes alive through the distinct showcasing of the skies. 

The author writes this book with the intention that we acknowledge God's existence. By doing so, we would not continue in sin. Instead, we would live a life sharing love and being good to others. 

I enjoyed every minute of this book. Even though this book is for all, you require a biblical foundation to relate to some parts of this book. I did not have any lows while reading. Undoubtedly, this is a five-star piece of writing.

This book is not surface written. It is deep and spiritual. All readers and strong disciples of this series know that Matthew has a third eye. He explicitly explains signs from the book of revelation. Matthew creates an illustration between the mark of the beast and the new beginning by the antichrist. He gives a clear comparison to how these things talked about in the Bible are playing out in the real world by balancing them with recent happenings. Now the question is: are we currently living the book of revelations and the apocalypse?