Book Review Of Seekers: The Winds Of Change, by Troy Knowlton

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐-(5/5)

Seekers: The Winds Of Change, by Troy Knowlton, is an epic fantasy novel with the themes of love, trust, betrayal, sacrifice, and cooperation spread on every page of the book. It covers the story of two Argan seekers, Tyras and Oren, who are sent on separate missions by their sovereign lord of wisdom, Lunaris, before his attack. Tyras was to find the conduit, and Oren was to find the assassin who launched an attack on Lunaris. 

During the mission, Tyras encountered strange things. But he found true love amidst all. The love he found in Serana was not a fairy tale kind because they were from different cities. Serana was a Koterran, and Tyras was an Argan, and these cities, Arga and Koterra, had animosities against each other. In truth, both Tyras and Oren won and lost. They found love in the strangest places. However, do they accomplish their mission? Find out in this page-turner Troy Knowlton has penned down. 

I was not in any way ready for the plot twists in this book. The tensions were explicit and just right. The story instantly consumes you, plays with your mind, and takes you on a sweet adventure. The world-building is phenomenal. Troy flirts with words and immediately evokes perfectly choreographed fighting spectacles. You can picture the gnashing of teeth and clash of swords just by reading. His writing is crisp and eloquent, with vivid attention to detail. Due to the minute number of characters in the book, Troy mastered the art of character building. All the identities are well-developed and complement each other very well. 

The language is simple, and the editing of the book is flawless. Seekers: The Winds of Change deserves the widest possible readership and merits a 5 out of 5 stars. Finally, I would recommend this book to adult fantasy enthusiasts. There was so much to take from this book.