Book Review Of Tales Of Turnip Knight by Danny Dowling

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐-(4/5)

Tales Of The Turnip Knight is a children's book starring Derek as the main character. Derek is a young boy who desires to be the turnip knight of Doko village. His superiors, the Zeechan sirs, tag him as stupid and ambitious. One who aims for the unattainable and the turnip knight being nothing but a myth. Pippie is a character given the role of supporting Derek through his journey. These two are friends who bond together in a perfect symphony. Join these two on a thrilling adventure as they explore the dragon’s peak, uncover strange creatures, unravel their supernatural powers, and see how Derek’s determination wins him the prize. 

This book came easy to me. The language was simple. I encountered some unfamiliar terminologies, but they had explanations to them. It is clear the author is aware of his audience and delivers with no misses. The descriptions of Pippie and Derek’s training sessions were elaborate. It gave me a vivid mental image of the scenes. 

I am glad the theme of friendship stood out in this book. Humans are not lone creatures. For this reason, children need to understand why building and maintaining friendships are indispensable. Another important theme was determination. No matter the discouraging comments made by outsiders or even people Derek admired, he remained resilient. Derek knew what he wanted and pursued it head-on. He emerged as a hero who is not measured by the strength of his sword but by the potency of his justice. 

One downside of the book was the abrupt endings; a chapter comes to an end without any sign of a conclusion. Initially, it was infuriating, but soon I realized that the author integrated the continuation of the previous chapter midway into the next chapter.  Nonetheless, the storyline and adventure made up for these lapses. I would be recommending this book to children of ages 7 to 12. This book deserves a 4 out of 5 stars.