Book Review Of Finding Our Pack by C.L Wyer

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐-(4/5)

Reina Sinclair is made an orphan after the brutal murder of her parents by the treacherous Nikolai. Before the passing of her parents, Reina’s mother hands over a protection necklace to her to enable her to escape from possible capture. After Reina’s successful escape from the Rogues' pack, she encounters Cade and his troop, which comprises Dirk, Alec, Chase, and Gunner. Initially, Cade is unaware that Reina is also supernatural, like himself. However, after realizing Reina’s truth, he decides to assist her in taking revenge on Nikolai. In the planning for Nikolai's dismissal, tingling romance sprouts between Reina and Cade. Unfortunately, none of these plans to eliminate Nikolai realize at that time. This combat is no longer Reina’s alone, but one with the backing of her friends. 

I reminisced a little about twilight and the original series because of this book. This book is about the supernatural world, making references to creatures like wolves and witches. I was elated to read about the activation of the Lycan curse. C.L Wyer conveyed this book using simple diction. The characters in the book were not bulky. They all complemented each other effortlessly. Even though Nikolai played the villain, by kidnapping women, and being a vile individual, he was my favorite character in the book. His role was not as predictable as the others, and I enjoyed having him on the pages of my book. 

Regrettably, you can foresee the ending from the beginning of the book. Predicting the climax of the book before even reaching it made this book uninteresting to me. Hence, I did not enjoy the suspense and thrills brought by these kinds of books. I did not find errors in my reading, meaning the book was exceptionally well-edited. For this reason, I am rating this book 4 out of 5 stars.