Home made yogurt from scratch

Rich results in Google’s SERP for “yogurt"


About 5 cups of whole milk

3-4 chilli peppers, with its stem


For the starter

1. Boil 2 cups of milk

2. Cool to about 105 °C

3. Add the milk to a bowl of chilli peppers.

4. Cover and store in a warm place for 24 hours

5. After 24 hours, remove the chilli peppers. You'd notice the yogurt forming but having a spicy taste because of the chilli peppers.


1. In a heavy bottom pot, boil about 3 cups of whole milk. Stir while boiling to prevent unnecessary residues.

2. Cool for about 5 minutes in an ice water bath

3. Add your yogurt starter into the milk. Stir thoroughly 

4. Keep in a warm place, preferably an oven, for about 8 hours.

5. The yogurt is now ready for use. You can take out a little bit as starter next time you decide to make some yogurt.

 If you do not like the trace of spice in the yogurt, repeat the process again using this as the starter.

Tip: Boiling the milk first is essential; it kills any bacteria present in the milk


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