Sponge cake - Simple and delicious recipe

Sponge cake is a low calorie dessert so you shouldn't worry about your calorie intake with it. Because of its flour and sugar content, excellent sources of carbohydrate, it serves as a good source of energy.
Rich results in Google’s SERP for “sponge cake"

However, it is always important to maintain a balanced diet in order to live a healthy life, and having too much of something can be bad, even if it has health benefits. Therefore, strike a balance in your cake consumption.

Without further ado let's get into the recipe! 


Prep time:20 mins or less

Cook time: 30 mins 

Total time: 50 mins 

Yield: One 8" round cake, 2 inches tall


4 eggs

1/2 cup of granulated sugar

1 cup of all purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

3 tbsp melted butter

2 tbsp hot water

1 tbsp vanilla extract


Oven or stove

Medium sized pot

Flat stainless steel plate (if using stove)

8 inches baking pan


Non-stick spray (if using oven)

Cooling rack




1. Whip the eggs, adding the sugar in bits, in a stand mixer on high speed for about 1 min. If you do not have a mixer, whip with a fork for 3 mins.

2. If you're using a stove skip this step.

Preheat oven to 350F with the rack in the middle and line the pan with a foil sprayed with a non-stick spray.  

Alternatively, apply butter on the inside of the pan then dust it with flour, knocking out the excess to make the surface non-stick.

3. In a medium bowl, sift the flour and baking powder. We don't want any sand in our cake.

4. Whisk the melted butter and hot water together in a cup.

5. Whip the eggs and sugar for about 20 mins. If you want a successful rise of cake in the oven, make sure to whip properly.

6. Add the vanilla extract into the mix

7. Pour in a little quantity of flour in the whipped eggs and fold using a spatula. Do not over fold or your cake will be hard. 

Continue this process this the flour is exhausted 

8. Add the melted butter mix into the batter and carefully fold with a spatula until no streaks if liquid are seen.

Read: 7 cake hacks for best results

9. If using an oven, skip this step

Put the stainless steel plate in the pot and preheat under low heat for a minute. Then grease the pan with butter and flour as in step 2.

10. Pour the batter into the pan

11. Bake for about 30 mins on the middle rake of the preheated oven/ the stainless steel

12. To know if your cake is ready insert a toothpick in the middle, if it comes out clean with no crumbs then the cake is ready to be removed from the pot or oven

13. Remove the pan and allow to sit undisturbed for 10 mins. The  invert, into a cooling rack and remove the foil

14. If you're not in a hurry,  leave the cake on the counter for 6 hours before using it, this will reduce the crumbles when you split the cake layer into two

15. Serve 

Bon Appétit! 

Read also: A guide to baking without an oven or mixer


Do comment below on recipes you'd want me to give out. 


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