How to make Dalgona coffee - The 3 ingredient method

Dalgona coffee has made one of the biggest trends during the 2020 lockdown season, not just because of how easy it’s preparation is but because its cool and refreshing taste has awarded it the lockdown Nobel prize. This coffee is a good option when looking to provide coolness to the body as it contains ice

Also, if you're on a weight loss journey, dalgona coffee is perfect for you since it doesn't contain a lot of sugar.

Dalgona coffee also reduces acidity of the stomach because cold milk is used.

According to health line, Caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter in your brain, which causes a stimulant effect. This improves energy levels, mood and various aspects of brain function. Caffeine also promotes the burning of fat and the increase of metabolic rates.

CLICK HERE to read on more benefits of coffee with milk according to health line

Rich results in Google’s SERP for “Dalgona coffee"

Dalgona coffee preparation 

Prep time: 5 mins or less

Total time:10 mins or less

Ingredients - one serving

2 tbs granulated sugar

2 tbs instant coffee

2 tbs cold water





1. In a medium bowl, add sugar, coffee, and water and whisk vigorously until the mixture turns smooth and shiny.

2. Continue whisking till it thickens and becomes fluffy and aerated.

3. Fill a glass halfway with ice and milk then dollop and swirl the whipped coffee mixture on top.

You can mix before drinking, if desired. 

Tip: Dalgona coffee is very addictive, so be careful!  

READ ALSO: How to make ice cream in 5 minutes 


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