Book Review of All About Slime by Nicole Brown


Isn't it crazy how you find love, and everything begins to feel like a fairytale? You crave their presence perpetually. Being away from them feels like a part of you is lost. But what if you have fallen head over heels for the wrong individual?

All About Slime portrays a well-known storyline in its stanzas. It is a journal of intense, heartwarming, yet refreshing poems. It encompasses themes of love, heartbreak, and regret.

Actually, could anything be worse than loving the wrong person? Because when you love, you acknowledge their flaws and honor their soul. I wonder. 

Nicole Brown writes this book with evident passion. Using eliciting language, she penned each poem utilizing striking incidents. It is not impossible to understand the author’s aim in composing each incredible piece. Because you feel the intentional acuity carried by each poem as you read. The poem is for all who are hurt or are still hurting.

I appreciated the sincerity in the poem God loves you, and so do I. It shows in-depth love even in the face of wrong. In each poem, the rhythmic flow was trickling. There's the explicit use of words and imagery in the book, showing the author’s poetic prowess. 

Finally, I would recommend this book to people desiring healing from the pain of betrayal. This journal is the road to liberation from the shackles of toxic relationships. Shall we find an antidote in Nicole’s words? I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.