Relationships have moved from going on dinner or lunch dates, cuddling and getting lost in each other’s arms to something quite complex, but at the same time more realistic and permanent. It has moved from the man playing almost all the roles to it being a shared responsibility.

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However, for you to understand the complexity of things and be able to keep your relationship working or get into one, you have to understand certain principles. 

In this article, I’d be sharing keys to keep your relationship in check. These keys must be properly understood, digested and followed to yield your dream relationship

10. Friendship:

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The bedrock of any relationship is friendship because before intimacy can be established, friendship must exist. Often times we determine our partners after establishing a close friendship with them. A friend should be someone who you can easily relate to without the fear of being judged. For your relationship to keep working, your partner should be your best friend. You should be able to easily share whatever happens to you with them. They should be your safe space.

9. Romance:

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The spice in every relationship is intimacy- romance. Expressing your feelings by physical touch is indeed necessary to keep the spark alive. It may go from little acts of love, like compliments, buying gifts out of the blues, taking your significant other on relaxing trips, cuddles or even great sex.

8. Support:

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You and your partner are not just two people in a relationship, you are a team. Looking at the creationstory, Eve acted as support system to Adam. This role should be played by both parties in a relationship. Your partner may not necessarily have to ask for it, it should be something you willingly give out because you love and care about them. No doubt support could be provided financially but that should not be seen as a means of exploitation. You’re in a relationship to build and strengthen each other.

7. Commitment:

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Everyone desires and deserves a committed partner. Being faithful when your partner is both home and away not only shows your love for them but also shows how much you respect them to not hurt them. Without commitment you cannot have depth in anything. Commitment in a relationship prevents third parties, who could ruin your relationships in the long run.

6. Love:

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Love, the emotion you have towards your partner, is not just a feeling it is a commitment. It’s you embracing their happiness and pain as yours. Having those butterflies when you see them, their calls or text. That emotion that makes you want to go out of your way to do more for them. This is a needed essential in every relationship. A relationship sparked by love stands on two legs while that of lust crashes in a blink. It’s love that keeps the spark and keeps your relationship working.

5. Respect:

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Everyone deserves to be respected, not just because they are your partner. If they have gone out of their way to share their opinions on something reasonable to you, do well to respect that. Respect their decisions especially when they say NO TO YOU, you shouldn’t feel the need to make them feel bad about something because they denied you access. Respect is you understanding those boundaries and not crossing them

4. Honesty:.

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Relationships built on lies can never stand the test of time. Sometimes being blunt about certain things may hurt but it certainly doesn’t hurt as much as lies do when caught. As much as possible, do well to tell your partner exactly how things are. Sugar coating feelings or statements would birth unnecessary drama. Also, honesty builds trust

3. Forgiveness:

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Most people find it difficult to admit their wrong or even apologize when wrong. If you are looking to keep your relationship working, learn to apologize when at fault and forgive when your partner has hurt you. An example of a working relationship where forgiveness has played a major role and effortlessly triumphed is that between us humans and our creator. Also while apologizing for your mistake, do it with remorse and make sure not to repeat your error next time.

However as the forgiver, do well to stay smart, so you’re not intentionally run over next time.

2. Communication: 

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Communication is 
key in every relationship. It is communication that builds the bond and passion. Not only communication but comprehension. Most times couples could have effective communication skills but terrible comprehension skills. That’s why your partner may misunderstand half of your intentions due to lack of comprehension. Communication and Comprehension work hand in hand for a blissful relationship

1. Trust:

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What’s a relationship without trust? Trust is indeed the cornerstone of every relationship. When there’s trust your relationship is stable and secure. There’s no form of fear because you two are loyal
 to each other. You respect each other’s boundaries and opinions, and are committed to one another. Lack of trust is one of the major reasons relationships today fail, because it gives room for doubt and fear. If you are one with trust issues its best you fix up or else your relationship is one step away from ending.