Chinese fried rice


Ingredients- 1 serving  

1 cup of boiled rice

1/2 cup frozen carrots, chopped in bits

1/2 cup Green peas

1 tbsp soy sauce 

1 small sized onion, chopped

1/4 tbsp garlic 

1 egg

3 tbsp vegetable oil

Seasoning cubes

black pepper

Salt to taste  

Rich results in Google’s SERP for “fried rice"


1. Fry onion and garlic in vegetable oil, stirring evenly so it doesn't burn.

2. In the same pan, move the onion-garlic to one side and add the eggs to the other side.

3. Add salt, pepper and seasoning to taste and stir the till it is cooked 

4. Add the carrots and peas and mix all ingredients together while on medium to low heat to prevent burning.

5. Add the cooked rice, and mix well

6. Add the soy sauce till and mix till it's blended with the rice

7. Serve 

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