Melt in the mouth doughnuts


2 cups of all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp nutmeg

3 tbsp sugar

1/2 tsp salt

3/4 cup of milk

1 egg

40 g melted butter

1 packet of dry yeast


2 cups of icing sugar

75g butter

4 tbsp milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

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1. Grate your nutmeg into the bowl of flour. Add the sugar and salt to the mix and stir thoroughly. Set aside 

2. In a bowl, add milk, egg, melted butter and yeast. Mix well.

3. Combine the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. The dough will turn out to be sticky and soft.

4. To a kneading board, oil with a tablespoon of oil and roll dough 

5. Knead for 10 minutes  with your hands till soft and elastic.

6. Transfer dough to a slightly greased bowl. Cover with a plastic wrap and leave to rise for an hour and a half

7. Transfer your dough to a floured board and roll flat with a rolling pin.

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8. Cut with a doughnut cutter and place each piece on a parchment paper. - I use a parchment paper while transferring my dough to oil in other not to disfigure its shape 

9. Fry under low heat, constantly adjusting the flame till it's golden brown

10. Glaze and enjoy!

Making doughnut glaze 

1. In a medium bowl, add melted butter, milk, icing sugar and a splash of vanilla flavor. Mix well

2. Deep the doughnut in the glaze and then set on a rack

3. Enjoy!

TIP: Doughnuts are best enjoyed when freshly made.


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