Book Review of More School Days, Holidays, And All Days That Lie Between by Nicole Brown


Deciding on quitting or fighting for a course may be overwhelming, but realizing that quitters never win and failure is also part of a success story is valuable. 

More School Days, Holidays, And All Days That Lie Between is a poetry journal on education and esprit sermons. The opening poem is striking and enticing. It hammers on the importance of good character. Nicole Brown insists that moral character not only builds our confidence, it also strengthens our resume.

The audience of the book is youngsters and high schoolers. As such, the poems are a way of teaching youngsters about life lessons, which is a practical strategy for grooming decent adults in the future. 

I enjoyed Reach Out so much. I am confident this particular poem is for all. Giving a helping hand is essential, especially in these trying times. Having a fat paycheck is not a prerequisite to assisting someone. Acts of service like lending a listening ear or showing concern can go a long way. For kids, sharing your snacks or even giving an extra pen to your classmate is also an act of reaching out. 

Likewise, she instructs youngsters to inculcate a reading culture. Consistency, she says, will give room for good grades. 

While effective teaching erupts through these poems, the poems do not lose the essential elements of fine poetry. I was deeply impressed by the author’s use of internal and imperfect rhythm. The author adopted a specific syntax and diction to achieve artistic effects like tone and mood. Consequently, the general tone of the book is optimistic and expressive.

Nicole Brown does not stutter. Indeed, her method of delivery is quite fascinating. Ultimately, I enjoyed this journal and can't wait to explore more of her books.