Book Review Of Jesse’s Seed by Sam Pakan

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐-(5/5)

Jesse’s Seed by Sam Pakan is a historical fictional tale explicitly embodying themes of contempt, mutiny, abuse, commotion, love, ambition, amnesty, and redemption. A young man, David Dremmer, leaves his father, Jesse, and his Texas ranch life to embark on a military pursuit in Europe. David exists between trying to find himself, re-establishing rusty bonds, and patching his faith in God.  

This book is heavy on reprieve and reminds me of my all-time favorite book, Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers. Just like in Redeeming Love, Sam Pakan has built this book using a Christian perspective. But not to worry, this book is not the biblical interpretation of David and Jesse’s Bible story, nor is it trying to choke religion down your throats. The name tags are only a mere coincidence. Instead, it aims at explaining the peace that comes with God’s grace and God’s eagerness to shower us with mercy through David's story.

The plot has a concentrated parallel to the challenges we face. Many people would easily relate to David's trauma. This book may trigger some people, especially those in conflict with their parents, but come to this story with an open mind. You may likely find healing from this book. 

Amid a beautiful storyline lies imperfect yet perfect characterization that left me star-struck. All the characters are well-developed. The emotions in each scene are wholesomely related. Sam Pakan conveys the events of World War II, leaving you spellbound. At first, the story is discursive, but slowly, the book immerses you in it.

I was literally at the edge of my seat while reading this book. The ending was unclear. I need Sam to answer my questions in the follow-up book before I lose my mind. I will hold this book dear to me. Finally, I am rating this book 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to everyone despite age, race, or religion.