Book Review of Our Curious Worlds Of Mirror Images by Titus Joseph

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐-(5/5)

Our Curious Worlds Of Mirror Images by Titus Joseph is a phenomenal book of philosophy that started conception in 1987 but finally came into the limelight in 2013. It holds transforming secrets of how the universe exists. Using a new paradigm called positional symmetry (requisite mirror image), it exposes the existence of distinct creations because nature frames its works using mirror images. 

Similarly, the book uses metaphysics to seek an understanding of how things come into being-- the first principle from which reality emerges. Might I say this book is a remedy to the ills of society? Certainly! The book provides logical rationales that untangle the complexes of this materialistic world. Amidst the heavy science, religion, and philosophy, it infuses tips to foster the well-being of the body and mind. 

There's a wide array of inputs from great philosophers on the speed of light, zone of intersection, quantum theory, cosmos of space and time, positional symmetry, and so on. To prove Joseph’s claims, he included substantial amounts of references to back his points. 

One thing I truly relished in this book is how the chapters had a solid connection. It all made sense. The flow of ideas, the synchronization, it was flawlessly penned down. It is germane to note that this book is not a book for leisure. It encompasses thought-provoking topics meant to unlock our thinking prowess. Do you want the truth? Here is the truth. 

My favorite chapter was Joseph’s attempt to create a link between religion and science. He explicitly labeled the connection using conflict, independence, dialogue, integration, and NOMA (Non-overlapping magisteria).

Ultimately, I had a pleasurable reading experience, one filled with enormous learning and unlearning. I could not find any error or reason to deduct a star. Hence, I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.