How to make mayonnaise in one minute

Did you know that asides using mayonnaise in bread or salad, it serves as a hair conditioner, aids in soothing burns, eliminating lice, and also promotes skin health and strong nails? 

Other benefits of mayonnaise: Studies have shown that the vitamin E present can prevent strokes.Mayonnaise also lowers cholesterol.

However, excessive use of mayonnaise could lead to obesity and other health problems. Therefore, consumption should be in limited amounts.
There's so much mayonnaise could do for you. You could earn a living by making yours and selling them.

Mayonnaise preparation in a minute

1 large egg
1 tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice
A pinch of salt
1 cup of olive oil 

1. Crack the egg into a blender and add the lemon juice and salt. Add the oil last and let the ingredients settle for a minute.
2. Blend to desired thickness
3. Stir and store in an airtight jar in a refrigerator for about 4-5 days

Rich results in Google’s SERP for “Mayonnaise”

Detailed use of mayonnaise 

As a hair conditioner:

The plant oil and proteins in mayonnaise makes it a deep conditioner which helps to strengthen hair and maintain hair shine. After shampooing, apply to damp hair. Massage it for about 4 to 5 minutes. Then put on a shower cap. Wash after 35 to 45 minutes with cold water and diluted shampoo.

For lice treatment:

Massage mayonnaise to the hair and scalp before getting to bed and cover hair with shower cap. Then in the morning shampoo the hair and with the use of fine toothed comb the hair. It should be repeated for 7 to 10 days.

Mayonnaise for skin health:

The oils present helps in restoring skin radiance. The protein content in egg helps to restore skin plumpness. These nutrients are essential for a  beautiful skin. Apply to the face after washing face (avoid eye area) . Let it remain for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then wash face by massaging skin to enhance circulation. Moisturize the skin well.

Nail health:

Weak nails are as a result of dryness and frequent hand washing. Mayonnaise helps to make the nails lustrous, healthy and strong.Apply on nails and leave it for five minutes.

Soothing burns:

Apply on the affected area and leave it for about 10 minutes. Rinse off with mild cleanser and warm water.


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