Rice water hack for fast hair growth

Rice water is a starchy water thought to contain vitamins and minerals such as amino acids, vitamin B and E and antioxidants which are essential for hair growth. 
Rice water is notable for increasing hair lustre, hair length, detangling hair and making hair smoother.

Read also:Onion water for fast hair growth Rich results in Google’s SERP for “rice water”

How to make rice water
  • Take a quantity of uncooked rice and rinse thoroughly 
  • In a glass container,  add some quantity of rice and water to the brim. Add oranges peels at the top and cover.
  • Leave to soak for 24 hours
  • Strain the rice water to a clean bowl and use
Note: The quantity of rice doesn't matter. Be it little or plenty, it will still yield the same result.
Also, I use orange peel to reduce the offensive smell of the fermented rice. Trust me the smell is appalling 

How to apply
  • Pour rice water into a spray bottle
  • Divide your hair into four or more twists 
  • Gradually spray your hair from roots to tip, one twist at a time, and massage with your fingers
  • Once you've covered all the twists, cover with a shower cap and leave for 30 minutes.
  • Wash off with cool water and shampoo
  • Apply once in two weeks for great results

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