Book Review of Life Support by Nicole Brown


Life Support is a poetry journal of a thug, Donnie Stacks, who continuously strides from one wrong to another until he decides to make sincere choices. He finally escapes casualty after a lifelong hike of seeking counterfeit fortune. 

Similarly, God's power replaces Satan's subtlety and takes it from him. Nicole, a character you would effortlessly warm up to in the book, soon begins to warn Donnie about his demise. The recurring theme in her visions is that Donnie will be murdered by his 'friends,' which is particularly startling. 

The scales of the enemy do not fall off Donnie’s eyes initially, hence his refusal to accept Nicole’s claims. When the matter becomes scarier, it's already too late for Donnie to act right. As Donnie lies helpless in the hospital, he soon realizes that life support comes from God and one else. Inevitably, his life so far has been at the reserve of God’s mercy. 

Life Support is a book that has a lot of evoking pieces compiled together into a book. The message is direct and sincere. However, it is a book with a provoking story, and poems soon take charge as your reading progresses. 

There's intense profanity, which fairly guides the author’s ideas. Still, it is rather sensitive and precipitously used. The recommended audience for this book is people above 18 years due to the strong language used. Like the dedication, people dealing with street life trauma would appreciate this book because it is a light of hope in their gleaming world. I am rating Life Support by Nicole Brown 4 out of 5 stars.