Fastest method of preparing aloe vera oil

Aloevera oil is really good for skin nourishment, hair growth, treatment of dandruff and in the treatment of eczema and cuts.
I use this oil for my hair during my hot oil treatment and the results are absolutely amazing. 

Disclaimer: For sensitive skin, make sure to conduct a patch test before use to avoid significant irritation.

Rich results in Google’s SERP for “aloe Vera”

Here's the fastest and easiest method of making this oil:

  • 1 large Aloe Vera
  • Equal amount of any carrier oil of your choice
My blended aloevera yielded 2 cups so I used 2 cups if coconut oil

1. Cut the aloevera into small pieces 
2. Add the aloevera pieces to a blender and blend till smooth
3. Pour the blended aloevera and equal amount of oil to a frying pan and cook from medium to high heat while stirring
4. Once the aloevera has a clumpy texture, stop cooking.
5. Turn off the heat and strain
6. Store in a bottle

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