How to make carrot oil

Carrot oil is great for the skin, hair and absolutely amazing for cooking. I use the first method of preparation for my hair and skin and the second method for cooking. 
Carrot oil leaves my skin nourished and glowing but sadly has  bleaching effect when used continously, so I mix it with other oils to get a balanced and healthy skin rather than  bleached skin. Before use, make sure to conduct a patch test to avoid significant irritation

  • Carrot 
  • Any carrier oil of your choice
I used coconut oil for method 1 and olive oil for method 2 
Rich results in Google’s SERP for “carrot oil”

Method 1
1. Grate the carrots and add into a jar
2. Add in the oil to the grated carrots. Make sure the oil covers the carrot. Seal the jar with its lid.
3. Add the sealed jar to a pot of boiling water and cover the pot.
4. Leave to boil for 5 minutes
5. Turn off the heat and leave to cool before straining
6. Store in a bottle
Method 2
1. In a frying pan, pour in just enough quantity of oil to match the grated carrots.
2. Fry on medium heat for 10 minutes 
3. Turn off the heat and strain
4. Store in a bottle

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