How to make Avocado oil

Avocado oil helps to soothe, moisturize and rejuvenate the scalp/skin. It promotes a long and healthy hair growth. It also nourishes the skin and gives it that natural and healthy glow.
Before use, make sure to conduct a patch test to avoid significant irritation 

Read also: How to conduct a patch test/make glow oils

4 ripe Avocados
Rich results in Google’s SERP for “avocado oil”

Method 1
1. Mash the avocados to a paste and spread in a baking tray
2. Leave to dry under the sun for 3 days
The dried avocado would look black so don't get worried.
3. Add the dried avocado to a bowl
4. Add the bowl containing the dried avocados to a pot of boiling water to release the oil from the avocadoes
5. Remove from the boiling water to a cheese cloth and squeeze thoroughly to release the oil into a bowl.
6. Stop squeezing when no oil comes out

Method 2- You would need equal amount of carrier oil for this method 
I used olive oil for mine.

1. Blend the ripe potatoes 
2. In a frying pan, add the oil and blended avocadoes.
3. Cook on medium heat while stirring
4. Keep stirring till the colour changes to dark green
5. Turn off the heat and strain with a cheese cloth
6. Store in a bottle



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