How to make Orange oil

I use this oil in cooking and making my glow oils. It has a wonderful scent and flavor, and can be used in cakes, dessert and even as an air freshener.
When using orange oil for skin maintenance, make sure to conduct a patch test to avoid any irritation 

  • 6 unpeeled oranges 
  • Any carrier oil of your choice
Rich results in Google’s SERP for “orange oil”

1. Wash the oranges to prevent them from contaminating the oil
2. Remove the orange zest using a peeler. Do not cut the pith because it cause bitterness especially if you're using the orange oil for cooking
3. Put the zest in a jar and add oil to cover the level of the zest. Cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes
4. Strain and store in a bottle
Method 2
1. Grate the orange zest
2. Add the grated zest to a bowl and add some oil to cover the zest
3. Add the bowl to a pot of hot boiling water.
4, Keep stirring for 5 minutes or untill the oil is infused 
5. Turn off the heat and strain 
6. Store in a bottle

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